Over the last couple of months, the newsletter has travelled far and wide! The November edition found itself on a cruise ship, The Explorer of the Seas, going off on a Caribbean Cruise! The newsletter can be seen in Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Maarten and the Dominican Republic!
Back on British soil, the December edition visited the Freeport Designer Outlet Village (recently re-branded as Braintree Village) in Essex. This copy was left at the Braintree Freeport railway station for travellers to enjoy. We also heard that a copy was left at The Ritz in Mayfair but the reader forgot to take a photo to show you! Similarly, a copy was taken to Wales over Christmas but we have not yet received the picture.
It is wonderful to see the newsletter getting out there, into the big wide world, to spread the news of life in our wonderful little village!
Thank you to everyone who sent in photos!
When you go off on your travels, however near or far flung, please take your copy of CCN with you and snap a picture of it in different places, and then send it in to us at cambernews@hotmail.com. If you have finished reading it by the time you take the picture, why not leave your copy at the destination for someone else to read, and maybe they will also fall in love with Camber!
Happy snapping, Camber folk – we look forward to receiving your pictures!