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THIS & THAT – High Tea / Low Tea?

A couple of months back we looked at the various names we used for our meals and after another trip down the rabbit hole, I found that the name “Tea”, once again, related what you do for your living.

In the 19th Century, with the gap between our midday meal and our evening meal becoming longer, we saw the tradition of “Afternoon Tea” come into being, normally served at around 4 pm. With the evening meal now being served sometimes as late as 8pm, folk needed something in between to fill this long gap. But this was never intended to replace “dinner”. This tea was generally served with dainty sandwiches, scones, and small cakes. Usually served in the sitting room, around the lower tables next to the comfy armchairs, this was also known as “Low Tea”.

However, workers in the newly industrialised Britain, did not all have the time to stop what they were doing, prepare and eat a meal mid-afternoon, so had to wait until after work, by which time they would be looking for a heartier meal, substantially more than a couple of snacks! After a day of hard labour, their meal needed to be hot and filling – and accompanied by a pot of good strong tea to revive their flagging spirits. As this was normally served at the dining room table, it became known as “High Tea”.

Nowadays, of course, times have changed, and afternoon tea is now a treat, rather than a stop-gap, and the “tea” is often replaced with champagne or sparkling wine – all of which can cost you a pretty penny!

Take care and stay safe! LR.