The 29th October saw our last popular Bingo night for this year which, for obvious reasons, became Hallowe’en Bingo night! As always there was a fantastic, eclectic collection of prizes available such as toys, indoors and out, sweets, chocolates, games, toiletries and perfume, a big soft Aleksandr Orlov meerkat and a lovely teddy bear, as well as the ever-popular tipples such as the obligatory pink gin, various bottles of wine, Martini, Prosecco. We also had a lovely leather handbag and a beautiful scarf as well as several spooky prizes including a large hamper of “trick or treat” sweets and a huge Hallowe’en fruit bowl which included a pumpkin and carving set as well as some very ghoulish sweets and Hallowe’en decorations. As usual there was the popular £10 prize for our stand up/sit down game and bottles of wine for the last number called. As always – a huge thank you to the residents, players and The Castle for their generous prize donations.

Our fantastic hosts at The Castle, Pete and Julie, had done us proud and created a wonderful environment in the pub which backed up our theme – a spooktacular array of cobwebs, zombies, ghosts and ghoulies – and the place was positively crawling with spiders!
It was a night with a bit of a difference in that we had a dearth of callers – poor Jay has been very ill recently. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope he will be back to join us again soon. Ian, our other stalwart caller, had been out of the village attending an audition that day and, on his return journey, ended up stuck in traffic on that great London carpark – the M25. In fact, he was there for so long he had actually considered claiming squatter’s rights!

Notwithstanding this, the versatile CCG team sprang into action – with Jan taking over the photography, Lindsay, the call backs, and Julie, despite an extremely sore throat and an oncoming cold, did an admirable job of calling for us (watch out Jay and Ian – you have some stiff competition!).
Although the turnout was not as high as we have seen in the past, we definitely had the most generous of Camber’s residents in attendance and we raised a fantastic sum of £412 for the Camber Community Newsletter – almost the cost of an entire edition! Many, many thanks to you all!

Our next Prize Bingo night will be on 23rd January 2025 – so dust off your kilts, tune up your bagpipes, go catch and cook that haggis (!!!) and join us at The Castle (7:00pm start, and eyes down at 7:30 pm) for a Robbie Burns Bingo evening with loads more exciting prizes up for grabs!