The September weather turned out to be much better than in August so perhaps we should have called our September Prize Bingo Night ‘Summer Bingo’ instead of ‘Autumn Bingo’! On what had been a beautiful, hot, sunny day, the crowds arrived to play the game.
Amongst the prizes there were toys and games, both indoor and outdoor, colouring sets, an umbrella, arts and crafts, lots of sweets and chocolates, plenty of booze -including the obligatory bottle of pink gin – along with household items, toiletries, and the ever-popular fruit basket! We even had a ‘Mr & Mrs’ pair of rubber ducks! As always, there was a £10 cash prize for the special game of stand-up-sit-down bingo, and bottles of wine for the last-number-lotto.
The room was packed full with players – creating a good mood and a fun evening with lots of laughter. Bingo caller extraordinaire, Ian, called the numbers.
We would like to say a big thank you to all the Camber residents who donated prizes, along with the Camber Castle and NISA. We would also like to say a huge thank you to Ian for calling, to all the staff at The Castle, and to all the players for making it such a great evening!
The assembled crowd also showed their thanks and appreciation by applauding the NISA staff team, who had come along to support the evening on a much-deserved night out after what had been a very stressful week for them all!
A fantastic £372 was raised for the Camber Community Newsletter! Thank you to everyone who came along!
The date of our next Prize Bingo night is Tuesday 29th October. Do come along for a fun evening and the chance to win some exciting prizes!