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Trick or Treat?

Hallowe'en Pumpkin

Hallowe’en is synonymous with a spooky full moon, backlighting, witches, bats, ghostly looking trees and buildings. Hallowe’en is also a time to observe respect for others whilst having some spooky fun.

Here are a few suggestions for staying safe during Hallowe’en from Sussex Police:

  • Young children should always be accompanied by an adult.
  • Older children should make sure an adult knows the area they plan to visit and what time they’ll be back.
  • Only trick or treat in your own neighbourhood. Don’t trick or treat too far from home.
  • Stay in well-lit areas where there are plenty of houses.
  • Keep to pavements and trick or treat on one side of the street before crossing safely to the other side – don’t criss-cross.
  • Wait to eat any treats until you get home so that an adult can check them.
  • Consider calling only at houses where you know the occupants, rather than strangers.
  • Please respect the wishes of householders who do not wish to take part, and please do not use the season as an excuse for anti-social or intimidating behaviour.
  • Look out for ‘no callers please’ posters and respect your neighbours.
  • Don’t go alone – take an adult with you or stay in a group.

Even if you are not involved in trick or treating, bear in mind the following:

  • Not everyone appreciates trick or treaters. To prevent unwanted ghosts and ghouls, put a ‘no callers’ note on your front door. Posters can be downloaded from: https://www.sussex.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/media/downloads/sussex/campaigns/halloween/halloween-posters [accessed on 12th September 2024]
  • If you are prepared to receive the local monsters, switch on your outside light and remove any trip hazards. If you set lanterns outside your front door with candles in them, make sure that they are far enough out of the way so that costumes won’t accidentally be set on fire.
  • If you are driving on the evening of the 31st October, remember that excited children don’t always do as they are expected, so slow down in residential areas and take extra care.

Remember to be polite on Hallowe’en Night