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Another Beach!

Deal Timeball Tower

On 9th September, 33 Camber residents set out for a day-trip to Deal in Kent. Passengers arrived at Deal to find the weather was not as bad as had been forecast. They were expecting rain but, luckily, it stayed dry all day.

Everyone had the chance to explore the historic town. Deal is famous for its two castles, its reinforced concrete pier, and the Timeball Tower. The Deal Timeball was established in 1855 as a Greenwich Mean Time signal. Like the Greenwich Timeball, it fell at 1.00pm precisely to give seafarers an accurate time reading once each day. A museum, detailing its history, is now housed in the tower.

After exploring the town, many of the day-trippers headed for Wetherspoons. Known for taking over – and saving – iconic buildings, Wetherspoons transformed the former Job Centre into a restaurant and it is named after one of Deal’s more famous former residents. It is called The Sir Norman Wisdom!

The day out was organised by Camber Residents Association, who run day-trips twice a year (spring and autumn). The trips are open to everyone in the village and seats on the coach are available on a first come, first served basis. Well done to the CRA! A good time was had by all!

Afternoon Tea

Camber Residents Association meets for afternoon tea each month through the autumn, winter and spring. They meet at the Rye Bay Café from 2pm to 4pm on the first Monday of each month. Everyone is welcome but booking is necessary as they need to know how many sandwiches to make! The cost is £5 per person, which includes sandwiches and cake. To book a place, please call Trish on 01797 224403.
The afternoon tea dates for 2024 are:

  • Monday 7th October
  • Monday 4th November (TBC)
  • Monday 2nd December (TBC)