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Green Piece – December 2024 / January 2025

Now don’t get me wrong. I love everything about Christmas, from the old traditions to all the new elements of ‘Elf on the Shelf’ and matching PJs. I’m there with the over-the-top tree, lights in the front garden and too much food!

But at some point, guilt sets in. Probably as I stuff another black bin bag with wrapping paper and throwing away food that no-one touched. Biffa UK tell us that over 30% more waste is generated over Christmas (I’m surprised it’s not more) including billions of cards, 12 million tons of plastic, 7,000 tons of meat packaging and 500 million drink cans.

The Environment Agency advise that we can help to mitigate this waste and still have a wonderful time.

Christmas cards – it takes the equivalent of 33 million trees to make all those cards. Try to buy cards that are made from recycled paper and don’t use any glitter or foiled cards, as they can’t be recycled.

Christmas trees – artificial or real? It takes 10 years for an artificial tree to offset its environmental impact, while real trees are better for the environment. Sustainable Christmas tree farms are both the ethical and sustainable choice: they can be great for the environment and for the people who work and live on them.

Decorations – as with everyday things, avoid single use plastic. Try using fabric for bows and wrapping. We are lucky to live with the beach and marshes which are great sources of natural materials to decorate with. These are also great for wreaths and table decorations.

Even your shopping can be environmentally friendly. Try to shop locally and buy loose items, with no wrapping. Did you know that plastic wrapping accounts for 70% of the UKs plastic waste? Be realistic about the amount of food you will need – after all, no one is really going to eat all those leftovers!

Finally, it’s estimated that over £4billion is spent on unwanted gifts every year. Even the 3 kings bought a gift of gold (money) that could be used on something more appropriate after the holiday season. But if you do have unwanted gifts or unused luxuries, remember that Camber Community Group is always grateful for raffle and bingo prizes!