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Speeding In Camber

My concerns… Maybe it will take a fatal accident for change, I really pray not.

I have lived in Camber for just over 10 years now and have noticed the speeding is getting worse, everyone is rushing. Also, aggressive drivers, always the odd car. In 2014 I used to have to cross at Western end of Camber to the bus stop with 3 young children and dogs. It was sometimes like taking your life into your hands, and would often have to run across the road when cars appeared from nowhere. Unfortunately, the bus stop is just around the corner so you can’t see, just hear the oncoming FAST cars, vans, lorries, that hit the village at 60mph and then hit their brakes (in some cases not much) still going past at 40-50mph in a 30mph zone.

It is so dangerous to cross at this end of the village and I have been told by other locals that it is much the same at the other end, again 60mph to a 30mph zone, and again children crossing for the school bus. They (drivers passing through) don’t seem to start slowing or anticipate the village until too late.
I think we need more signage. SLOW CHILDREN CROSSING – SLOW HORSE, more 30mph signs before they get to the village.

Last year a young girl in Lydd had to have her horse put down due to an accident on the road. I also have horses and was crossing the Camber road to go to the beach – only a short distance – maybe 6 years ago when my stirrup was clipped by a car mirror that couldn’t wait to pass WIDE and SLOW, recommended speed 10mph and 6 feet clearance. Due to my health and injuries the horses hadn’t been on the beach for 3 years and are just coming back to work this year. Mostly I would like to THANK locals and people passing through the village, we have experienced kind, calm, courteous driving, passing motorbikes, buses, Biffa lorries. and have all been brilliant!

Sadly, there is always one or two who are not so nice. This week I was subjected to someone in a car swearing at me and continuing to speed when I politely waved my arm (from a nervous horse) asking her to slow down. I was in shock, how rude, not very mature and very dangerous. There were children, school bus, pedestrians all around at this time by Western Car Park 8.15am.

I emailed the council a few months ago requesting signage and, in their response, they said they receive 5000 requests from road users and only 5% normally meet the criteria. Let’s HOPE our village does.

You can find the link on the council website, road safety, and voice your concerns. Maybe the more of us that ask and explain our concerns, the better chance we will have. My enquiry number is 19254109. I am happy for you to mention me.

Thank you for reading!


[Editor’s note: If you wish to contact Michelle to discuss this matter or help her campaign, please get in touch with the newsletter and we will pass your message on to her. cambernews@hotmail.com or 01797 224403]