A message to Camber residents from the Environment Agency, Rye District Office
I thought you might be interested to know that we shall be carrying out our annual shingle recycling at Broomhill. We plan to carry out the works from Monday 17th February to Monday 3rd March 2025.
The works will involve recycling shingle within the groyne bays. If visible we will also remove some of the granite shards from the dangerous sports part of Broomhill beach. The shards are often buried under the shifting sands. We will monitor the situation, as we can only remove what is immediately available on the surface of the sand.
These works are in accordance with our Beach Management Plan and in the interests of flood risk management. Assent has been obtained from Natural England.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns.
Louise Sturgeon
FCRM Officer
Kent, South London and East Sussex – Rother and Romney Asset Performance Team
External: 0208 474 6750
Mobile: 07831 481398
Environment Agency, Rye District Office, Military Road, Playden, Rye, East Sussex. TN31 7PH
For general enquiries please call 03708 506 506
You can see our five-year flood and coastal risk management asset maintenance programme on the GOV.UK webpage.