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Neighbourhood Watch

News from the Camber Parish Council website:

Camber Parish Council has been working hard to set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in the village. The PC’s website shows the following information:

The Camber Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is now up and ready for you to join.
Please see the scheme details www.ourwatch.org.uk, click on “Find your local NW” near the top, scroll down a bit and enter your postcode. This will show the postcode location and the 7 nearest schemes.

The direct link to our scheme is https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/scheme/175933/camber-neighbourhood-watch.

You will be able to register and join the scheme from this link.
[https://camberparishcouncil.gov.uk/camber-neighbourhood-watch/ – accessed 9th August 2024.]

Over the summer, Councillor Kirk Grant has been canvassing residents to join the scheme. He had a table at the Camber Summer Fete to promote the scheme which resulted in some new members joining up, alongside those who have already joined.

For further details, please contact the Parish Council Clerk, on: clerk@camberparishcouncil.gov.uk who will put you in touch with the scheme co-ordinator.