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Film Warning

Towards the end of September, we saw Western Car Park fill up with the familiar sight of marquees, trailers and film equipment. Preparations were beginning for four days of filming on the beach from the 1st to the 4th of October. According to several film-industry websites, the production is a feature film, entitled Pressure, based on David Haig’s critically-acclaimed West End play, covering the tense 72 hours leading up to D-Day, as the perilous plans are missing one key element – the British weather. Britain’s chief meteorological officer, James Stagg, has to deliver the crucial forecast, creating a standoff with the Allied leaders.

The production company, Pressure Point Productions, took the unusual step of sending a mailshot to many homes around the village to let folk know what was going on. They told us that filming will take place between 7.30am and 6.30pm but the crew will be on the beach from 7.00am and 8.00pm. There will be around 90 extras and 100 crew on the beach every day of the filming and they will have vehicular access onto the beach via Central Car Park.

The leaflet also explained that there will be multiple explosions and use of weapons firing blank rounds on all days, with an explosive firing ‘test day’ a few days before the filming starts. The company assured residents that the explosions and firing will take place under strict Health and Safety protocols to ensure everyone’s safety, and they are liaising with a number of advisory and statutory bodies in the area, including Rother DC and Surrey & Sussex Police.

It was considerate of the production company to give us some warning of the nature of the filming, giving people chance to prepare for the disruption and noise. (Our pets might think Guy Fawkes Night has come early!) Access to the beach will not be restricted but the public might be asked to wait a couple of minutes while they finish a particular shot. They have also given out contact details for any comments or questions: 07777 501 541 or locations.pressure@gmail.com.

For decades, Camber has been the location for a plethora of film, television and video productions. It’s fascinating to get a glimpse, especially when our beach is ‘set dressed’ in a former era. If anyone has any good photos of the goings-on, please send a few to the newsletter so we can print a selection next month. Similarly, if anyone would like to write about the film itself, please get in touch! cambernews@hotmail.com