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Buried Pleasure Revealed

In Edition No. 100 (December 2021), we featured an article in CCN about ESCC finally doing something about clearing the sand from the Old Lydd Road pavement. Back then it was a small team of two who slaved over several weeks in the month of November that year and succeeded in clearing back around half of the sand covering – as you can see from the marks on the pavement as it is today, this left at least half of the pavement for our use. Better than nothing!

So, it was with great interest that we noted the arrival of an official looking maintenance truck, together with a gang of fit looking fellows, armed with various digging tools, parked along Old Lydd Road on 1st November this year.

The CCN team had a brief discussion about this and agreed one of us should pop along and catch up with the team so we could do a follow up on our previous article.

Unbeknown to us, however, the ESCC had sent in the A-Team! By the end of that Friday, they had gone so no chance of an interview. Yes! Gone in one day – but they had done a sterling job – not one piece of bramble, nettle, weed nor a grain of sand remained on the pavement. The full expanse, from the start at Western Car Park to the end at Central Car Park, of a proper pavement, as originally designed, has been revealed!

What a pleasure to be able to stroll down Old Lydd Road side by side with your walking buddies, to be able to push a buggy or drive a mobility vehicle, to be able to pass oncoming pedestrians on the pavement without having to either drop down onto the road or carefully shuffle up an embankment of stinging nettles and scratchy brambles.

Thanks, ESCC – keep up the good work!