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Another Shock Closure

The shocking news that our NISA Local shop is set to close, came in the middle of August. Owners of the Pontins site, Britannia Hotels, gave the staff up to 12 weeks’ notice that the store will be closing, but warned that it could close sooner if staffing levels drop due to staff members finding new jobs elsewhere.

This is another devastating blow for Camber folk. The job losses will affect so many local families as the dedicated team at NISA find themselves looking for work. For some members of staff it has been a lifelong career, having worked there for many decades! Our thoughts are with the team as they face so much uncertainty.

But the NISA store is not just a shop – it is a community hub, where villagers can go to find out local information, or have a chat when they bump into friends and neighbours, and the staff always have a friendly smile and a kind word to say. Visitors to Camber pop in there to find out about the locality, whether by asking staff, or locals who happen to be in there at the time. Local groups find support – indeed NISA has always sold our calendars on our behalf, displayed posters of local events, and generously supported Camber’s Ssummer and Christmas Fayres.

Here at the newsletter, we are keeping our ear to the ground for any campaigns or initiatives that might rescue our local supermarket and we will unwaveringly support any action that could save this vital community asset.