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Carol Service

And so it came to pass that on the 22nd day of the last month in the year of our Lord, 2024, the Camberites of Camber village in the south east of the land awoke to a dreary, windy, rainy day and huddled in their dwellings before their fires in an effort to find some cheer.

But lo – as the sun set – there appeared a warm glow on the east side of the village and the Camberites left their homes, gathered together and moved towards the light. On reaching it, they found their church bathed in a warm and welcome light and, on entering the building, they were amazed at the sight which met their eyes for the temple was decorated beautifully with holly and ivy and candles burning everywhere, and magical Christmas trees decked with finery and lights, and branches festooned with artwork created from the bounty the sea had thrown upon our shores, and the Camberites settled on the chairs laid out for them and were warmed by the glowing heaters.

And one by one the vicar and the church elders began relating the ancient story about a donkey, a man, a woman with child, a journey, a wonderous star, a manger, shepherds, angels, wise men and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The villagers were enthralled and joined in with joyful songs and hymns, filling the church with glorious sound.

And as the fantastic tale came to its conclusion, the crowd rejoiced further for a great feast of sweet and savoury pastries and warm drinks had been prepared for them.

And so, the Camberites ate and drank and gave thanks to Yvonne and her supporters, and went out into the cold night with souls, hearts – and bellies – full of warmth and love and returned to their dwellings in the village to spread the joy of Christmas.

(With apologies to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John!)