Our Coastal Officers, car park team, beach cleaners, Beach Patrol and RNLI Lifeguards have been exceedingly busy this summer! The Coastal Officers have been too busy to bring you a report this month and we hope they will have time to give us all an end-of-season report next month.

For this month’s report, we thought it would be good to share the words of advice from Councillor Doug Oliver, leader of Rother District Council, published on the RDC website on 23rd August 2024:
It looks like summer may have finally arrived as we all enjoy warmer temperatures and some welcome sunshine. We are blessed with some beautiful beaches in Rother and many residents and visitors have been enjoying our stunning coastline recently.
This summer we are fortunate to have RNLI lifeguards on duty at one of our most popular beaches, Camber Sands, and I’d like to thank them for their continued hard work. Working alongside our own beach patrol and coastal officers, the lifeguards offer advice and safety messages to beach goers throughout the busy summer season to help people have an enjoyable visit.
Camber is an extremely popular beach which can attract thousands of visitors on a sunny day including many families, and to help assist in reuniting any lost children a wristband system is available. Please visit the Coastal Office or speak to the beach patrol if you are visiting the beach with children to collect wristbands and ensure you have an enjoyable visit.
If the recent sunshine and warmer temperatures are tempting you to visit one our local beaches, it is important to always remember the RNLI’s beach safety advice: swim between the flags, never use inflatables in strong winds or rough seas, and check the tide times.
If you are driving to the seaside, please park considerately and always take your litter home.
Following a number of incidents in recent weeks of people getting into difficulty off the East Sussex coast, the RNLI are reminding people to follow their safety advice if you are taking to the water – always wear a buoyancy aid, tell people where you are going and when you expect to be back, and take a mobile phone in a waterproof pouch so you can call for help if needed.
[https://www.rother.gov.uk/news/from-the-leader-friday-23-august – accessed 25th August 2024]