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Camber Community Lunches

The popular Camber Community Lunches started again on Friday 4th October in the Camber Memorial Hall, from 12 noon to 1.30 pm. As well as delicious soup, there were savoury scones and sausage rolls on offer – and chocolate cake for afters! It was good to see Camber residents getting together for a warm meal and a chat – some having not been able to catch up with neighbours since the Community Lunches paused in the spring. It is great way to counter the isolation of living in a rural community. As ever, the team of volunteers busied themselves in the kitchen and around the hall, making sure that everyone was looked after, and always with big smiles on their faces! Thank you to the team for making this happen! The next Community Lunches are on Friday 1st November and Friday 6th December.

The lunches are free and all residents living in Camber and surrounding areas are welcome, including parents with children. Tina Beattie explained that sadly, the lunches will no longer be weekly. They will only be once a month, on the first Friday of every month until 4th April. Tina and her husband Dave are moving to Scotland, and there are not currently enough volunteers to organise a lunch every week. If you would like to volunteer, either by helping to serve the lunches and clear up, or to make soup or bake cakes, please contact Tina at tina@tinabeattie.com with your mobile phone number, so that she can add you to the volunteers’ WhatsApp group.