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Church News – February 2025


As I write this in not-sunny West Sussex, I remember this time last year (Happy New Year by the way) when I began my year of voluntary ministry to Camber and the Church there. Well, the year is over and I am not sure what happens next for me. At the moment the Wardens, Richard and Annie Baker, have ensured that services go on so that the worship does not lose momentum. My thanks to Rev Jaques De Rosier for this kind service.

The year saw a few events and renewals. The first was pancake day when we shared pancakes on Shrove Tuesday followed by the Ash Wednesday burning of the palms from last year. Mothering Sunday and Easter followed including a Maundy Thursday Service of washing of hands. In June, on Fathers’ Day, we started a short-lived Sunday evening service which only lasted about four months. In June we had a Patronal Festival, the first in many a year. In early August our Flower Festival was supported by groups in Camber and Rye. Hopefully in 2025 we’ll see more from Camber. We held our Harvest Festival service and lunch early so we could hold an Animal Blessing Service in October.

Remembrance Service was memorable by the attendance of three Parish Councillors including the chairman, Sean Clarke. Christmas was pretty full on with our Carol Service ‘Telling the Story 2024’ on December 22nd and Midnight Mass and a Christmas service on Christmas Day before roaring home to celebrate Christmas with the family.

So, all in all, I’ve had a pretty full-on year, including a weekly Sunday service. My thanks to all the wonderful people who have supported me and helped me throughout the year and hope that this will continue into 2025, no matter what this year brings.

Church services will continue on every Sunday throughout February.

Many blessings to you all. God bless.
Rev Yvonne Adam