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Donation of Unused Mobility and Medical Items

During the past two decades, Medi Tech Trust has donated medical equipment to surgeries and hospitals. Two years ago, we launched a recycling initiative called Medigive®, which has already enabled our charity to donate nearly £4 million worth of medical equipment and consumables to hospitals in low-income countries and war zones. Recently, in response to public demand, we have been collecting from individuals, who on losing a relative or recovering their health, found they could not return unopened surplus consumables. They were reluctant to condemn these items to their rubbish bins, as they still had a useful life. We realised this was only the tip of the iceberg, so at the suggestion of the Mayors for Hailsham and Seaford, we contacted a few surgeries in East Sussex to seek their co-operation. The response has been so positive – all the surgeries we approached agreed to accept a recycling bin.

I have now heard from Hub on Rye Hill and they are keen to hold one of Medi Tech Trust’s recycling bins on site at their facility. We hope to get one to them in the very near future. This means we will have 3 locations in Rye where it will be possible to donate unwanted medical consumables: Ferry Road Health Centre, Rye Medical Centre and Hub on Rye Hill.

TH Medi Tech Trust Reg. No. 1157837

Unit 6 Swan Barn Business Centre, Swan Barn Road, Hailsham, BN27 2BY

Email: ea@meditechtrust.org
Tel: 01323 442211