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CCN Turns Thirteen!

As CCN turns thirteen, and we reach issue number 130, here is a comment from one of the team:

A personal reflection

It’s amazing to know that CCN has reached its teens – the newsletter is 13 years old this month! It is hard to believe that I have been part of the team for 10 years of that time! A whole decade, dedicated to the Camber Community Newsletter!

I was one of that ‘motley crew’ who stepped in when the original committee stood down at the end of 2014. This edition – the 130th issue – will be the 100th that I have worked on.

During that time, I have written about many topics. Admittedly, a good number of them have been about traffic! I have covered all sorts of things including local matters and events, social and safety issues, health topics, legal stances, environmental impacts, trivia and folk lore. Add to that, some geographical matters, a bit of culture, a dash of history, and a whole lot of humour! Well, they do say that variety is the spice of life!

The newsletter is neutral, as far as possible. It has no political leaning, however I do write about issues that affect the village and where, perhaps, the statutory authorities need to sit up and listen to us. I know that some of my pieces have, occasionally, found their way into the meetings of those authorities, and I hope that I present a fair view of how the villagers feel about things. I speak to a lot of residents every day and so I hope that I have a good grasp of the general feeling about whatever the issue might be at the time. If I have any bias at all, it is only ever in support of our village life.

When writing, I strive for balance. After all, there is always more than one side to every story. I aim to be objective and try hard not to let my personal opinions seep in. I see the newsletter as sort of a community soapbox!

It would be hard to pick a favourite article from the hundreds (maybe even thousands) that I have written over the years. With the variety of subjects that I have covered, there is a lot of fun in researching and learning about each subject in order to present something accurate and factual… and, I hope, balanced! I have enjoyed putting most of them together.

Others, though, have been challenging. Back in December 2021, when the newsletter celebrated its 100th issue, I wrote, “Without a doubt, the hardest article I had to write was after the tragic drownings in 2016 … With the shroud of sadness that befell the entire Camber community, and the traumatised Coastal Team, it was extremely difficult to write a comment that acknowledged the horror, looked at where the failings might have been and, yet, tried to offer a way for everyone to heal and move forward.”

Since then, I have written a number of obituaries for popular people in the village, people who were our friends or neighbours and who made a difference – as we all do – to community life here in Camber. Those pieces have been even more difficult to write. I have sat at my computer keyboard with tears streaming down my cheeks, not quite believing that this person, or that person, has left our little village forever.

Another thing that has been hard to write about is the loss of so many groups and services over recent years. Camber had a good repertoire of interest groups and facilities and, one by one, we have seen many of them close – from the playgroup, bowls, Extend Exercise or the Nifty Fifties, to local businesses such as Sugar Rush, The Dunes Bar and Pontins/NISA. It is hard to say goodbye. It is sad to have to report on yet another thing that Camber has lost. Unfortunately, we are not alone. Rural community life across the country is becoming harder and harder to sustain.

On the other side of the coin, there are so many good articles to write! There is no shortage of community spirit in our village, from reports on community-wide events such as Summer Fetes and Christmas Fayres which are supported by local residents and businesses, to simple acts of courage or kindness that are enacted every day, by everyone, in Camber.

Groups and committees such as Camber Community Group, Active Friends, Camber Residents Association, Camber Book Club, Friday Pop-in, Camber Memorial Hall, Monday Club and the Community Lunch Team are thriving. We should all make the effort to attend and support these groups to help keep them going. (I say it all the time… Use it or lose it!) Even our Parish Council now has a full quota of Councillors which, for many years, was not the case.

2015 Screenshot 2024-11-15 222104
2016 Screenshot 2024-11-15 222026
2017 Screenshot 2024-11-15 225016
2018 Screenshot 2024-11-15 222458
2019 Screenshot 2024-11-15 223027
2020 Screenshot 2024-11-15 223222
2021 Screenshot 2024-11-15 223459
2022 Screenshot 2024-11-15 223733
2023 Screenshot 2024-11-15 224012
2024 Screenshot 2024-11-15 224324
2015 Screenshot 2024-11-15 222104 2016 Screenshot 2024-11-15 222026 2017 Screenshot 2024-11-15 225016 2018 Screenshot 2024-11-15 222458 2019 Screenshot 2024-11-15 223027 2020 Screenshot 2024-11-15 223222 2021 Screenshot 2024-11-15 223459 2022 Screenshot 2024-11-15 223733 2023 Screenshot 2024-11-15 224012 2024 Screenshot 2024-11-15 224324

I walk around the village most days and take snaps of anything that might be of interest to the community or, sometimes, just to keep a record of what is going on locally. These pictures often give rise to an idea for something to write about in the next newsletter.

Sadly, the camera on my phone is not brilliant and, most times, the pictures I take don’t make it into the final edit! I am eternally grateful to everyone who sends in much better pictures for us to use. Please keep them coming!

Similarly, I am always thrilled when members of the community send in pieces they have written. I love that the newsletter has numerous ‘voices’ and so the writing style varies throughout. It really is a community effort!

I want to tip my hat, unreservedly, to the team of deliverers. What a bunch of stalwarts they are! I could write thousands more articles but, with no-one to deliver the newsletters, I would be talking to myself! My heartfelt thanks go to them all! One of the main purposes of the newsletter is to increase community involvement and inclusivity. It is important that we continue to deliver a copy to every household in the village.

As well as writing for the newsletter, being a part of Camber Community Group has been quite a journey, too. Together, we have staged community events, supported all of the organisations in the village whenever possible, and provided facilities within the community. I applaud the whole team – we are all lucky to have them!

It has been interesting to watch the newsletter evolve over the years. Initial changes made in 2015, with the advent of the second committee, were met with mixed reactions and, I must admit, there were times, back then, when I wondered if anyone was actually reading it. However, from the feedback received over the years, I can see the newsletter has grown massively in popularity. It was particularly satisfying to hear that a number of younger readers now pick up the newsletter and look through it. In the early days of my time on the newsletter, many youngsters turned their nose up when I suggested they read it!

The change, in 2019, to a magazine format was a turning point. The difference was astounding. It became so much easier to read and simply looked much more inviting to previously unwilling readers. We received a lot of positive feedback. In 2020 we were lucky enough to be joined by a professional designer, Maria, who was prepared to work with us as a volunteer. (OK, so we had to nag a bit, but we persuaded her onboard in the end!) After 4 years of dedicated service, Maria passed the baton over to our current designers, Anna and Anthony, who have transformed the newsletter once more, using a magazine-style focus on presentation. I’m thrilled to say it has been very well received by villagers!

I am so lucky to work with such a great newsletter team. A good number of us are working full time and so it can be difficult to fit in production meetings on a date that everyone can make it. Sometimes, we go to print a day or two late because some of us haven’t had time to write their pieces yet. (OK, I admit, that is usually me!) What never changes is the commitment and dedication to producing the best newsletter that we can, each month – writers and designers, alike.

At this point, I must mention Jan and Lindsay. Both have been on the team for almost as long as I have and, together, we form the cornerstone of the newsletter team. Over the years we have shared a lot of laughter (and a few tears) – and a fair amount of pizza and prosecco! Their unwavering dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work is astonishing and I wouldn’t want to produce a newsletter without them both on board! Another special mention must go to Jeanette C, who has written articles for almost every edition of newsletter since its inception, before my time, in 2012.

As a team, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to all of you who support our many fundraising events so that we can keep up with the ever-increasing printing costs. So many of you – residents and businesses alike – donate prizes to the various fetes, fayres and bingo nights which help to sustain the newsletter. Other organisations such as the church and the Parish Council make a contribution, and a few businesses also sponsor or part-sponsor whole editions. The newsletter truly belongs to the whole community!

Personally, I am incredibly proud of the newsletter. It continues to go from strength to strength and, I hope, the whole village is proud of it too. It is our ‘voice’! It is always rewarding to work with so many people in the process of creating each month’s edition. Equally, it is so good to hear feedback from the readership because, of course, without the readers, there would be no point to it. I would love for even more people to be involved and, after 10 years of passionate dedication, I hope that I will be able to write a personal reflection in another 10 years’ time. This milestone, for me, is just part of the journey! Long live Camber Community Newsletter!