Home » Camber Speedwatch Group News » Camber Speedwatch Group News – February 2025

Camber Speedwatch Group News – February 2025

Welcome to the first of the monthly updates.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to Camber Parish Council for funding our new SL700 radar speed gun. (This is the same piece of equipment the police use.) It is already proving to be a huge asset in our efforts to educate the drivers of all vehicles that the speed limit through Camber is 30mph.

I would also like to say a huge thank you to all our volunteers. You make Speedwatch the success it is, and are making a real difference in our efforts to keep both our residents and visitors safe. If you would like to volunteer please send your contact details to: think30mphalways@icloud.com.

Since Speedwatch carried out its first session on 25th October we have reported:
vehicles for exceeding the 30mph limit
of those vehicles did not have a valid MOT
of those vehicles were not Taxed
were on SORN

Our co-ordinator is now in direct contact with the Chief Constable of Sussex, Jo Shiner, regarding the speeding and anti-social driving taking place in the village. Jo and her Area Commander for Camber, along with the local traffic patrols are being very proactive with their involvement in the reports from the village, and I am happy to be able to say that thanks to Jo we now have both marked and unmarked police cars patrolling regulalrly throughout the village. One drink-driver has already been caught. These efforts will continue for the foreseeable future.

We have also had a visit from one of the lead traffic patrol officers whilst we were holding a Speedwatch session, This again proved very useful and has established a good working relationship between us all.
Community Speedwatch is a proactive solution to improve the safety and quality of life for everyone in the community.

Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative, in partnership with the police.